"Buttek Mosaïk"

.... manner ass méi !

Buttek Mosaïk offers its customers sustainable and fair products for their daily lives and gives them the opportunity to support social and development cooperation projects at the same time.

In September 2019, Buttek Mosaïk re-opened its doors with its new concept of a local and sustainable village grocery based on the principle of "manner ass méi" (less is more): less packaging, less chemistry, less wastage, less transportation and in return more quality, more regional products, more ecological products, more social commitment.

Buttek Mosaïk focuses on suppliers
- of organic and fair products
- of regional products
- of products without packaging or in returnable containers

Buttek Mosaïk covers a large part of its customers' daily needs with its offer:
- Grocery shop
- Beverages
- Vegetables: Kalendula baskets on order
- Cleaning supplies
- Well-being
- Special products: buckwheat, effective micro-organisms, packaging-free products, seed and nut oils and butters, …

11 Kiirchestrooss Tel 00352 / 26 67 12 61
L-5741 Filsdorf
Facebook, Instagram: Buttek Mosaïk

Opening hours:
Wednesday 17h00 – 19h30
Saturday 09h00 – 12h00

"Buttek Mosaïk"

.... profit sharing

Buttek Mosaïk is run entirely by volunteers and does not pay rent. Buttek Mosaïk's profits are fully reintegrated into social projects, aimed at helping the most disadvantaged. A large part is transferred to the NGO Action pour un Monde Uni to ensure the financing of development cooperation projects.

From 1999 to 2019, Buttek Mosaïk donated more than €250,000 and will continue in this direction.

"Buttek Mosaïk"

.... history and spirit

Since 1999, Buttek Mosaïk has been selling gift articles designed and manufactured in companies driven by the spirit of fair trade and of the economy of communion*.

In 1999, fascinated by the concept of the economy of communion*, a team of volunteers from different parts of Luxembourg decided to launch "Buttek Mosaïk". The name "Mosaïk" evokes the vast mosaic of humanity and the fact that the particular action of each individual - the gift of his talents, his time, his resources - contributes to making the world more united and more solidary.
Today, with the new concept, the name "Mosaïk" also symbolizes the interaction of all the elements of the world - humanity, fauna, flora, environment - and their vitality for human existence and the fact that the particular action of each contributes to making the world more respected and saner.

* Economy of communion
More than 800 companies around the world have joined the economy of communion project. These companies allocate part of their profit to ensure the continuity of the company, another part to help the most disadvantaged and finally a third part to promote trainings.


Due to the current situation, we can only provide approximate prices. Thanks for your understanding.

Kokosöl-Cajun 200ml

Kokosöl-Cajun 200ml


Kokosöl-Harissa 200ml

Kokosöl-Harissa 200ml


Leinöl 100ml

Leinöl 100ml


Leinöl 250ml

Leinöl 250ml


Mandelöl 100ml

Mandelöl 100ml


Mandelöl 250ml

Mandelöl 250ml


Mohnöl 100ml

Mohnöl 100ml


Mohnöl 250ml

Mohnöl 250ml


Oliven Bratöl 500ml

Oliven Bratöl 500ml


Olivenöl Griechenland/Portugal 250ml

Olivenöl Griechenland/Portugal 250ml


Olivenöl Griechenland/Portugal 500ml

Olivenöl Griechenland/Portugal 500ml


Rapsöl 500ml

Rapsöl 500ml


Rosinen Ölmanufaktur je 100g

Rosinen Ölmanufaktur je 100g


Schwarzkümmelöl 100ml

Schwarzkümmelöl 100ml


Sesamöl 250ml

Sesamöl 250ml


SonnenblumenBratöl 500ml

SonnenblumenBratöl 500ml


Sonnenblumenöl 500ml

Sonnenblumenöl 500ml


Coffee - Tea - Cocoa
Agata Escobar Café 250g

Agata Escobar Café 250g


Agata Escobar Café 500g

Agata Escobar Café 500g


Agata Frische Mische Café 250g

Agata Frische Mische Café 250g


Agata Frische Mische Café 500g

Agata Frische Mische Café 500g


Agata Racer Café 250g

Agata Racer Café 250g


Agata Racer Café 500g

Agata Racer Café 500g


Kakao stark entölt 125g

Kakao stark entölt 125g


Roude Léiw Duusse Goût 20 Kapselen

Roude Léiw Duusse Goût 20 Kapselen


Roude Léiw Espresso 20 Kapselen

Roude Léiw Espresso 20 Kapselen


Roude Léiw Voller Kraaft 20 Kapselen

Roude Léiw Voller Kraaft 20 Kapselen


Rousendoft Téi vum Séi

Rousendoft Téi vum Séi


Trinkschokolade BIOG 250g

Trinkschokolade BIOG 250g


5 poivres 60g

5 poivres 60g


Baies roses 60g

Baies roses 60g


Cannelle  60g

Cannelle 60g


Chili Flakes 60g

Chili Flakes 60g


Chimichurri 60g

Chimichurri 60g


Clous de girofle 60g

Clous de girofle 60g


Colombo 60g

Colombo 60g


Curcuma 60g

Curcuma 60g


Curry 60g

Curry 60g


Epices orientales 60g

Epices orientales 60g


Gingembre 60g

Gingembre 60g


Herbes de provence 60g

Herbes de provence 60g


Italian Love 60g

Italian Love 60g


Meersalz je 100g

Meersalz je 100g


Mexican Love 60g

Mexican Love 60g


Mix Légumes 60g

Mix Légumes 60g


Mix Poissons 60g

Mix Poissons 60g


Mix Viandes 60g

Mix Viandes 60g


Mix Volaille 60g

Mix Volaille 60g


Mohn 250g

Mohn 250g


Moschtertkären 250g

Moschtertkären 250g


Paprika fumé 60g

Paprika fumé 60g


Piment fort 60g

Piment fort 60g


Poivre blanc 60g

Poivre blanc 60g


Poivre noir 60g

Poivre noir 60g


Poivre vert 60g

Poivre vert 60g


Quatre épices 60g

Quatre épices 60g


Ras el Hanout 60g

Ras el Hanout 60g


Schwarzkümmel 200g

Schwarzkümmel 200g


Sel aromatisé 60g

Sel aromatisé 60g


Flour - Sugar
Leinmehl Brotbackmischung 240g

Leinmehl Brotbackmischung 240g


Puderzucker 200g

Puderzucker 200g


Roh-Rohrzucker hell je 100g

Roh-Rohrzucker hell je 100g


Spelzmiel 1kg

Spelzmiel 1kg


Vanillezucker 4x8g

Vanillezucker 4x8g


Weizenmehl 1050 1kg

Weizenmehl 1050 1kg


Weizenmehl 550 1kg

Weizenmehl 550 1kg


Weizenvollkornmehl 1kg

Weizenvollkornmehl 1kg


Noodles - Riz - Lenses
Basmatireis je 100g

Basmatireis je 100g


Delikatesslinsen je 100g

Delikatesslinsen je 100g


Nudeln 3erlee je 100g

Nudeln 3erlee je 100g


Spaghetti 500g

Spaghetti 500g


Spelz-Fusilli je 100g

Spelz-Fusilli je 100g


Spelz-Hittchen je 100g

Spelz-Hittchen je 100g


Spätzle je 100g

Spätzle je 100g


Wëllkaarnuddelen 250g

Wëllkaarnuddelen 250g


Andalouse 190g

Andalouse 190g


Ketchup 230g

Ketchup 230g


Mayonnaise 190g

Mayonnaise 190g


Mayonnaise 400g

Mayonnaise 400g


Moutarde 190g

Moutarde 190g


Moutarde 820g

Moutarde 820g


Moutarde Classic

Moutarde Classic


Sauce Tomate Volaille 500ml

Sauce Tomate Volaille 500ml


Tomatensauce Basilikum 330ml

Tomatensauce Basilikum 330ml


Tomatensauce mit Kräutern 335ml

Tomatensauce mit Kräutern 335ml


Vol-au-vent 500ml

Vol-au-vent 500ml


Buchweizenkörner je 100g

Buchweizenkörner je 100g


Cornflakes natural je 100g

Cornflakes natural je 100g


Couscous je 100g

Couscous je 100g


Haferflocken je 100g

Haferflocken je 100g


Kokosmüsli je 100g

Kokosmüsli je 100g


Kokosraspeln 200g

Kokosraspeln 200g


Leinsamen 200g

Leinsamen 200g


Nussmüsli je 100g

Nussmüsli je 100g


Rosinenmüsli je 100g

Rosinenmüsli je 100g


Ahornsirop 250ml

Ahornsirop 250ml


Sirup Hambier 500ml

Sirup Hambier 500ml


Sirup Hielenter 500ml

Sirup Hielenter 500ml


Sirup Hielenterbléien 500ml

Sirup Hielenterbléien 500ml


Sirup Roud Kreischelen 500ml

Sirup Roud Kreischelen 500ml


Sirup Schwarz Kreischelen 500ml

Sirup Schwarz Kreischelen 500ml


Balsamesseg äppel 0,25l

Balsamesseg äppel 0,25l


Essig Pinot Noir 50cl

Essig Pinot Noir 50cl


Essig Pundel je 100ml

Essig Pundel je 100ml


Essig Riesling 50cl

Essig Riesling 50cl


Frësch Ginger Ale 33cl

Frësch Ginger Ale 33cl


Appelchips 100g

Appelchips 100g


Fruchtgummimix je 100g

Fruchtgummimix je 100g


Gummibärchen je 100g

Gummibärchen je 100g


Ingweretten je 100g

Ingweretten je 100g


Knusperbrezel 175g

Knusperbrezel 175g


Lëtzchips Paprika 120g

Lëtzchips Paprika 120g


Lëtzchips Sel  120g

Lëtzchips Sel 120g


Lëtzchips Sel et 3 Poivres 120g

Lëtzchips Sel et 3 Poivres 120g





NAO Chocolat Fondant 90g

NAO Chocolat Fondant 90g


NAO Chocolat Fondant noix 90g

NAO Chocolat Fondant noix 90g


NAO Chocolat Lait 90g

NAO Chocolat Lait 90g


NAO Chocolat Lait noix 90g

NAO Chocolat Lait noix 90g


NAO Orangettes je 100g

NAO Orangettes je 100g


Saure Fruchtwürmer je 100g

Saure Fruchtwürmer je 100g


Seabiscuits Choco-Orange 120g

Seabiscuits Choco-Orange 120g


Seabiscuits Chocolat 120g

Seabiscuits Chocolat 120g


Seabiscuits Natur 120g

Seabiscuits Natur 120g


Seabiscuits noisettes caramelisées 120g

Seabiscuits noisettes caramelisées 120g


Seabiscuits pépites chocolate 120g

Seabiscuits pépites chocolate 120g


Fresh products
6 Eier

6 Eier


Butter 250g

Butter 250g


Eis 480ml

Eis 480ml


Eis 950ml

Eis 950ml


Erdbeere Schrozberger 500g

Erdbeere Schrozberger 500g


Heidelbeere Schrozberger 500g

Heidelbeere Schrozberger 500g


Himbeere Schrozberger 500g

Himbeere Schrozberger 500g


Kirsche-Holunder Schrozberger 500g

Kirsche-Holunder Schrozberger 500g


Klenge Mëllen 240g

Klenge Mëllen 240g


Klenge Sténkert 240g

Klenge Sténkert 240g


Milch 1L 1,5%

Milch 1L 1,5%


Milch 1L 3,8%

Milch 1L 3,8%


Natur Schrozberger 500g

Natur Schrozberger 500g


Rahm 500ml

Rahm 500ml


Schokomilch 500ml

Schokomilch 500ml


Stracciatella Schrozberger 500g

Stracciatella Schrozberger 500g


Kokosmus 200g

Kokosmus 200g


Schokelasbotter Noss

Schokelasbotter Noss


Vollkornknäckebrot 250g

Vollkornknäckebrot 250g


Vollkornknäckebrot mit Sesam 250g

Vollkornknäckebrot mit Sesam 250g


Nuts and dried fruit
Cashewnüsse je 100g

Cashewnüsse je 100g


Datteln Medjool 200g

Datteln Medjool 200g


Erdnüsse 200g

Erdnüsse 200g


Haselnüsse je 100g

Haselnüsse je 100g


Kürbiskerne je 100g

Kürbiskerne je 100g


Mandeln 200g

Mandeln 200g


Rosinen BIOG je 100g

Rosinen BIOG je 100g


Sesam 200g

Sesam 200g


Sonnenblumenkerne je 100g

Sonnenblumenkerne je 100g


Walnusshälften 200g

Walnusshälften 200g


Jam and honey
Honig Kleng Hunngbei 500g

Honig Kleng Hunngbei 500g


Marmelade groß

Marmelade groß


Marmelade klein

Marmelade klein


Canned goods
Erbsen 330g

Erbsen 330g


Gurken groß 670g

Gurken groß 670g


Kichererbsen 330g

Kichererbsen 330g


Pfirsisch-Maracuja 500g

Pfirsisch-Maracuja 500g


Tomaten geschielt 660g

Tomaten geschielt 660g


Tomaten-Passata 670g

Tomaten-Passata 670g


Zuckermais 330g

Zuckermais 330g


Äppelkompott 700g

Äppelkompott 700g


Appeljus 1L

Appeljus 1L


Drauwejus 75cl

Drauwejus 75cl


EM Drink Konzentrat

EM Drink Konzentrat


Frësch Apfelschorle 33cl

Frësch Apfelschorle 33cl


Frësch Birne Rose 33cl

Frësch Birne Rose 33cl


Frësch Bitter Lemon 33cl

Frësch Bitter Lemon 33cl


Frësch Cola 33cl

Frësch Cola 33cl


Frësch Orange Acerola 33cl

Frësch Orange Acerola 33cl


Multijus 70cl

Multijus 70cl


Orangenjus 70cl

Orangenjus 70cl


Lëtzebuerger Hunnegbéier 33cl

Lëtzebuerger Hunnegbéier 33cl


Lëtzebuerger Hunnegdrëpp 50 cl

Lëtzebuerger Hunnegdrëpp 50 cl


Action pour un Monde Uni asbl - NGO accredited Non-Governmental Organization in Luxembourg
